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The little things? They aren't little!

Hey folks! Today I walked through the little village I call my home. And since the sun shined today it's brightest light, I had no other choice but to be happy. Now I am here, sitting in front of my computer wanting to tell you something: The world is beautiful. It really is. There is nothing wrong with the planet we live on. Yet we are the ones who destroy our wonderful planet. We often forget that we should be nothing but happy to have such a wonderful planet to live on. But do we appreciate it? We build houses higher than mountains, we have more factories than companies, are always on the urge to have the latest clothes. But is it really the most important things in life? I like the days I am thinking about those things, just because I realize that I am also a post-modern person influenceable by the medias etc. But all I really care about is that I love my life, that I am happy, that I am fine, that I have all I need in my life. I have a good life. There are people on the other side of the world, who I know nothing about, yet I feel sad for them to live in pain. So I walked today through the little village I live in. It's tiny, yet all I ever wanted. I never wanted to live in a big city. I love big cities, no doubt, but I can't imagine living there. I need the nature and the environment I live in. The birds waking me up every morning, the sunlight shining through my window, the air smelling like summer (especially when it's raining). So that's what I really care about: Being able to appreciate the smallest things in life. The little things are the most important to me. I love details. I am in love with noticing things, people don't draw attention to. So let me say that we live in a wonderful world. Because we do. We often forget it, but what could be better than having a good life, being so close to the nature, to other creatures on this earth except of us humans. The thing I want you to remember after reading this is to draw attention to the smallest things in life. You will fall for them. Quickly. Hard. All at once. And as soon as you realize how beautiful our planet, as soon you're going to change the way you look at things. Be grateful, always!

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