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Look in the mirror and smile, because you are beautiful

Yes you are beautiful! Look in the mirror and smile. Today - Tomorrow - every day!

Smile your brightest smile, because you are alive and beautiful. I may not know how you look like, but it doesn't matter. Nobody is you and that is your power. Always keep that in mind, because it is the truth. See your eyes sparkling. See your teeth shining. You're supposed to feel yourself. If somebody doesn't like the way you look like, screw them. You're not supposed to deal with negative things, you deserve to be happy. Stop letting idiots ruin your day. It is your life and you are responsible for your happiness. It is important to know who you truly are at the end of the day. And the best thing is allowing yourself to be the best version possible. Just don't pretend to be someone you're not. Believe in yourself even if people doesn't. It's none of their business but it is yours. You have to be your greatest fan. I urge you to be your greatest fan. Who do you think is going to build you up if you had an awful day? It's going to be you. It has to be you, because you need to have faith in you, you need to feel yourself.

It is a wasted day, if you're not smiling - if you aren't happy. You can not change yourself over night. Nobody can. But you can learn to accept you for who you are. That's the key to happiness: giving yourself the room to be. The only thing defining you is your character. Neither your grades, nor your body is defining you. So do me a favor and walk to your mirror today and smile, laugh, dance, build yourself up. Let your soul breathe, just let yourself be yourself. Think positive!

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